The planning of the two sections of the M8 expressway between Székesfehérvár and Kecskemét is already underway, says Magyar Nemzet. The long-promised one-hundred-kilometer-long two-lane road is planned to start in 2023.
According to the European Union tender notification, the state investor announced the winning contractors to the M8 highway in the middle of Fejér and Bács-Kiskun. The track connects Kecskemét via Dunavecs and Dunaújváros to the M7 motorway.
The section between Kecskemét and the M7 motorway can be planned by four companies, Unitef-83 Zrt., Főmterv Zrt., Utiber Kft. And Tura-Plan Ltd. for a total of HUF 7.8 billion. In addition to the design plans, the engineers are also responsible for the preparation of the environmental impact study and study plan and the licensing plans.