If we count from 1992, Škoda now has a quarter of a million cars sold in Hungary.
Škoda's (modern) distribution started in Hungary on June 15, 1992, when Autó Hungária, which is 100 percent owned by Porsche Hungaria, started importing with 14 dealerships. The company merged with Porsche Hungary in March 1996, before delivering 10,820 cars.
On April 22, 2020, Škoda, sold in the fourth millionth in Hungary, was handed over to Duna Auto. The anniversary car became a titanium blue Škoda Kamiq, which is now happily owned by a mother of two in Budapest. This is not the only Czech car in the family, the husband also uses Škoda as a company car.
The lucky customer received a 250,000 voucher as a gift next to the car.
(Source: vezess.hu / photo: pixabay.com)