The Adient car company has expanded its capacity in Hungary in a 1.3 billion forints investment.
Currently, all of the world's third-party cars are equipped with car seat parts manufactured by the company. The newest 4th field production hall, now being delivered, is equipped with car seats and seat parts for premium vehicles.
Products made here are for car manufacturers such as BMW, Daimler, Ford, Tesla, Seat, Toyota or Volkswagen.
The Adient Group has been present in Hungary since 2016, with more than 3,700 people working in three Hungarian sites - Móron, Mezőlak and Kecskemét.
Backed by Mezőlakon's legal predecessor, the company has been operating since 1997 and has 740 employees working on backrest and seat height adjustment, locking mechanism and seat-locking mechanisms, which are delivered by the company to all countries of the European Union and to all continents except Australia.
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