In September, the number of new cars placed on the market in the European Union dropped significantly compared to a year earlier, which did not surprise the experts due to the introduction of the new emission measurement procedure.
ACEA, the European automotive industry representative organization, said Wednesday that the number of new cars in the European Union fell by 23.5 percent in September, down 1 million to 91,000.
In September, sales increased in only two countries, Bulgaria (+ 8.5 percent) and Croatia (+3.3 percent). The largest drop of 73.4 percent was measured in Romania in September.
In Hungary, the number of new cars sold in September fell by 7.4 per cent to 8888.
The September reduction is due to the introduction of the new emission measurement method, WLTP. As of September 1, new vehicles that have passed the WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure), which is more accurate than the previous procedure, can only be placed on the market in the EU.
According to ACEA, the number of new cars sold in the first nine months of this year in the EU was 11 million 952 thousand, up 2.5 percent from a year earlier. In Hungary, the nine-month increase was 26.5 percent per annum, with a total of 104,000 612 cars sold in January-September, after 82,000 701 a year earlier.
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