A British man turned to the court because he thought he was misled by the German car factory. In the strange case, he finally got the man right, the case could launch dozens of similar cases.
A 72-year-old businessman, Kerry Costello, thought he'd be surprised at his retirement years with a Mercedes E-Class, and even a convertible. The car was not cheap, the man barely used it for nearly £ 13 million.
The man was looking for a car with leather seats. This can be ordered separately for the E-Class, which costs 912.5 pounds at 330,000 forints. However, the man had heard rumors from several places that they did not have any skin folds in his car, so he tested them in a laboratory.
Analyzes have shown that the interior is not entirely made of leather because it contains some parts of polyurethane. Mr Costello then thought he was looking for a Mercedes local representative to answer his questions, but the agency did not give a tangible explanation.
As the local competent authority said Mercedes would only have advertised the skin in the interior, if it was really made of 100 percent leather, the retired businessman turned to the court. He was right there, and Stuttgart was ordered to pay 850 pounds (310 thousand forints).
Mercedes only then explained Mr Costello's questions. The seats are not 100% leather because the added materials help to preserve the stiffness and firmness of the skin. However, according to the man, despite his explanation, he can still hit his ankle with the car. "If others follow my example, I think a similar result will come," he said.
(Source: vezess.hu / photo: pixabay.com)