Remember: it's just a game! (x)

Remember: it's just a game! (x)

The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
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TIM: 5G network accelerated vehicle testing at the Audi factory in Győr

The 5G network has accelerated vehicle testing at Audi's factory in Győr, the collected data can even be extracted on the go, the fast and reliable data transmission technology thus creates an immediate opportunity for the mandatory inspection of finished cars - announced the Ministry of Technology and Industry (TIM) on Thursday.


According to the information, the pilot project implemented at Audi Hungaria Zrt.'s plant in Győr with the cooperation of TIM proved that 5G can fully meet the needs of strict automotive protocols designed specifically for wired operation.

The manufacturers test the vehicles rolling off the assembly line with the most modern technical solutions in order to ensure safe transport and to protect the life, health and property of motorists and their passengers. The check that used to take place on wired and Wi-Fi networks can now also be performed with the fastest data transmission systems. The successful 5G network pilot project implemented at Audi Hungaria was supported as professional contributors by the Ministry of Technology and Industry, the Digital Development Center of Széchenyi István University in Győr, Magyar Telekom and T-Systems Hungary.

TIM explained: as a result of the technological development that took place in the last decade, almost all of the operational parameters of the vehicles are managed and controlled by electronics. During the pilot project, the data generated during the operation of the tested cars was transmitted via a 5G network to the central computers that process the information. In this way, the electronic systems of completed cars can be checked as effectively as possible in the last phase of production, even before delivery. By following the tests, the operating parameters of the cars can be found out in real time, and possible defects resulting from production can be filtered out quickly and easily.

The announcement quotes Károly Balázs Solymár, the ministry's deputy state secretary responsible for technology, who said: "Until now, we have known that 5G will multiply the data traffic of mobile networks and practically eliminate network delays with its unprecedented speed. However, it can make even the most determined skeptics think that the technology thanks to this, the business model of a new service is being realized before our very eyes. In an exemplary industrial cooperation supported by the government, which is also internationally exemplary, the service provider and the market user have come together along the lines of their common interests with the university, which excels as a development workshop. The Ministry of Technology and Industry is open to all knowledge-based innovations, the industrial application of which promotes the development of Hungary. Károly Balázs Solymár reminded: "5G also showed off its extraordinary capabilities in the Digital Twin project, partly implemented with the same partner group. By tracking the movement of the cars racing on the racetrack in real time, we can challenge the competitors live with a virtual vehicle through an online connection."

Tamás Sipos, head of T-Systems Connectivity and Telco Services, added: "One of the goals of the pilot project in Győr was to replace the previously used Wi-Fi connection with the 5G Campus network provided by Magyar Telekom. Thus, already on the go, on the test track, it provided an opportunity to extract the data, while with the previous system it was only possible to connect the car to the data processing system at a fixed parking spot using wires. With the help of the built-in sensor network, mandatory quality testing can be greatly accelerated and simplified," said Tamás Sipos.
István Drotár, head of the Digital Development Center of Széchenyi István University, commented: "With its pilot projects, the Digital Development Center of Széchenyi István University strives to ensure that scientific results can be used as soon as possible in many areas of the economy. That is why we were happy that Audi Hungaria Zrt. we were able to test its process. It gives us enormous production flexibility, that with the help of the 5G connection we can obtain the diagnostic data of the cars in a much larger area than before, and on the fly," he added.

(Source:; MTI | Image:


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Remember: it's just a game! (x)
The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
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They don't think it's green enough
The Toyota Mirai hybrid car is the official vehicle of the Olympics, except it's not so green.
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Remember: it's just a game! (x)
The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
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The "reward" of a 26-year-old young man became a 21-month lockout.
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They won the AAA Auto

They won the AAA Auto

The court of Dunakeszi ultimately granted them 275 thousand forints, which covers the car repair costs, but the cost of the law was also paid by the family of Ágnes, which, together with the lawyers' fees, sprang for half a million forints.
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Can they close in your car?
However, if someone can not open the doors from the inside because the battery in the key / remote control is empty, ie the encoder does not work, it can get off because if the ignition is switched on, the doors can then be opened.
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3 cylinder Ford Fiesta ST
This resource delivers a peak of 200 horsepower at 6000 rpm, and 290 Nm maximum torque at 2500 rpm.
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The new Corvette

The new Corvette

Only 25 copies of the Yenko / SC Stage II Corvette will be made and the ZR1 Corvette owners will have to pay about $ 69,000 ($ 19.3 million) for the tuning.
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The "reward" of a 26-year-old young man became a 21-month lockout.
  • engineered ()
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  • speeding (3)
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They won the AAA Auto

They won the AAA Auto

The court of Dunakeszi ultimately granted them 275 thousand forints, which covers the car repair costs, but the cost of the law was also paid by the family of Ágnes, which, together with the lawyers' fees, sprang for half a million forints.
  • car (1190)
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Can they close in your car?
However, if someone can not open the doors from the inside because the battery in the key / remote control is empty, ie the encoder does not work, it can get off because if the ignition is switched on, the doors can then be opened.
  • car (1190)
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3 cylinder Ford Fiesta ST
This resource delivers a peak of 200 horsepower at 6000 rpm, and 290 Nm maximum torque at 2500 rpm.
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The new Corvette

The new Corvette

Only 25 copies of the Yenko / SC Stage II Corvette will be made and the ZR1 Corvette owners will have to pay about $ 69,000 ($ 19.3 million) for the tuning.
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