Preliminary data collected by the police, corresponding to the 24-hour post-accident situation, between 1 January and 30 June 2019 caused a total of 7476 injuries on the road network in Hungary, 3.5% less than in the same period last year. (then 7747 accidents were registered).
There is a decreasing tendency in the case of fatal, severe injuries and minor injuries, with a decrease of 21.6%, 5.5% and 1.8%, respectively. In the first half of the year, a total of 234 people lost their lives on the roads of our country - even in the most successful year of domestic road safety so far, more deaths were registered in January-June (238).
In addition to the deadly victims, the number of severely injured persons has decreased by 4.3% since January (from 2468 to 2363), while the number of more easily injured has decreased by 3.0% (from 7541 to 7314).