Remember: it's just a game! (x)

Remember: it's just a game! (x)

The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
  • gambling ()

Ten speed stages and more than a hundred pairs in the 55th competition

Almost 70 couples will measure themselves, along with Historic European Championship competitors and amateurs, who will be starting at the 55th Mecsek Rally, this year's fourth round of the Mercarius Rally1 national championship, which will take place from Thursday to Saturday - the organizers announced on Tuesday at their press conference in Pécs.


Tibor Markó, the sports professional leader of the competition, said that this year, the competitions will take place on ten speed stages - a total of almost 150 kilometers - on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday on the asphalt serpentines of Mecsek - winding in the western, central and eastern parts.

This year, the sprints are located between Hetvehely and Golgota, Árpádtető and Orfű, Hatos and Trefortpuszta, as well as Hosszúhetény and Pécsvárad, on which the Hungarian championship is almost 70 - of which 18 cars make up the top line -, the Historic field is represented by about 60 pairs, while the the audience can also watch the - expectedly spectacular - productions of about 20 Eastern car wonders in the field of Just4Fun and 2TaktMemory along the stages.

The organizers expect the largest number of spectators again this year on the section close to the city center of Pécs, on the winding serpentine between Árpádtető-Remeterét-Orfű, therefore the head of the sports industry asked those interested to fully comply with the rules, especially the requests and instructions of the sports judges.

Tibor Markó also reported that those interested in the competition can have fun not only at the speed stages, as there are also many other programs accompanying the event.

On Thursday afternoon, the field of veteran car marvels of the Ypres-Istanbul rally will be hosted on Széchenyi Square in Pécs, the same evening there will be an audience meeting with the stars of the weekend in the service park, while on Friday an exhibition of two-stroke cars will also be organized in the main square of the city, where the starting ceremony will also start at half past five in the afternoon. At the end of the first day of the competition, from 9:30 p.m., there will even be a night racing car exhibition in the Centrum parking lot in Pécs.

According to the rules, due to the serious competition distance, the championship points obtained by the pairs in the Mecsek rally are calculated with a multiplier of 1.2.

(Source:; MTI | Image:


  • race ()
  • Hungarian ()
  • rally ()

Remember: it's just a game! (x)
The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
  • gambling ()
They don't think it's green enough
The Toyota Mirai hybrid car is the official vehicle of the Olympics, except it's not so green.
  • car (1190)
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Remember: it's just a game! (x)
The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
  • gambling ()


The "reward" of a 26-year-old young man became a 21-month lockout.
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  • speeding (3)
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They won the AAA Auto

They won the AAA Auto

The court of Dunakeszi ultimately granted them 275 thousand forints, which covers the car repair costs, but the cost of the law was also paid by the family of Ágnes, which, together with the lawyers' fees, sprang for half a million forints.
  • car (1190)
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Can they close in your car?
However, if someone can not open the doors from the inside because the battery in the key / remote control is empty, ie the encoder does not work, it can get off because if the ignition is switched on, the doors can then be opened.
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3 cylinder Ford Fiesta ST
This resource delivers a peak of 200 horsepower at 6000 rpm, and 290 Nm maximum torque at 2500 rpm.
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  • translation ()
The new Corvette

The new Corvette

Only 25 copies of the Yenko / SC Stage II Corvette will be made and the ZR1 Corvette owners will have to pay about $ 69,000 ($ 19.3 million) for the tuning.
  • car (1190)
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  • chevrolet ()
  • corvette ()


The "reward" of a 26-year-old young man became a 21-month lockout.
  • engineered ()
  • prison ()
  • speeding (3)
  • police officers ()
They won the AAA Auto

They won the AAA Auto

The court of Dunakeszi ultimately granted them 275 thousand forints, which covers the car repair costs, but the cost of the law was also paid by the family of Ágnes, which, together with the lawyers' fees, sprang for half a million forints.
  • car (1190)
  • grayling ()
  • buying ()
Can they close in your car?
However, if someone can not open the doors from the inside because the battery in the key / remote control is empty, ie the encoder does not work, it can get off because if the ignition is switched on, the doors can then be opened.
  • car (1190)
  • HVG ()
  • news ()
3 cylinder Ford Fiesta ST
This resource delivers a peak of 200 horsepower at 6000 rpm, and 290 Nm maximum torque at 2500 rpm.
  • video ()
  • translation ()
The new Corvette

The new Corvette

Only 25 copies of the Yenko / SC Stage II Corvette will be made and the ZR1 Corvette owners will have to pay about $ 69,000 ($ 19.3 million) for the tuning.
  • car (1190)
  • novelty ()
  • chevrolet ()
  • corvette ()